How does NeTEx compare with the Taap/TSI standards?

There are three different TAP /TSI standards for fares; m – B1 (standard fares) B2 (Integrated Reservation fares) and b3 (special fares), each using different models (with some common elements between B1 and B3) and quite different representations of the classes of user conditions, NeTEx is able to represent the elements and attributes of all three models with a single uniform model, based on access rights, using in particular DISTANCE MATRIX ELEMENTs to describe the point to point fares and USAGE PARAMETERs to describe the different conditions applying to the the rail products. Only a small number of FARE PRODUCTS are needed to describe the standard rail products. A number of sales conditions also relate to rail products and can be describe using SALES PACKAGES with NeTEx DISTRIBUTION CHANNELs and FULFILMENT elements. The mapping of most elements is straightforward and it is straightforward to create transformations using simple mapping tools such as those found in the XML SPY product suite.

The TapTSI standars make used of a number of UIC code sets (all represented in NetEx as either sets of enumerated values or ‘Types of value’ or in the case of station and oboard facilities as various types of Facility or Equipment. Stations (Locations in UIC terminology) can be uniformly represented in NeTEx as Scheduled Stop points.

For details on the Tap/TSi model see the UML model of the mapping and the mapping specifications.